Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Rohit Patnaik's answer to Is it possible to believe in the God described in the Bible?

Rohit PatnaikRohit Patnaik
13 upvotes on Quora. None needed here.

Yes, of course! And you don't even have to be brain-washed; you just need to be perceptive enough.

Suppose- for the sake of the argument:

You have been fed Christianity- or some sort of ideology like Communism or Graeco-Roman Paganism or Democracy- all your life, you utterly believed in it when you were 2 years old, you believed it when you were 8, and now you are 12 and you still do. And some stupid ass teacher, who dresses like a moron, comes up to you and says: "Listen kid, your tribe's very basis of cultural unity is false".

Now your parents have already told you stories about how the Devil- or the Capitalists or the Communists or the Barbarians- approached people and made them doubt God- or their Nation or their Government- and how that is the wrong thing.

So, what's the first thought that comes up in your mind when you meet this teacher? "This is the work of the Devil- or the Capitalists or the Communists or the Barbarians!" In fact, this is the only thought that makes sense to you, and so you stick with it.

And once you have committed this mortal sin, once you have sold your soul to the "Power of the Group", you can never betray your cultural identity to anything else! Every time you see something that contradicts your beliefs, you say "It's the Devil- or the Capitalist or the Communist or the Barbarian! Why does it keep troubling me?"

Now suppose you get properly educated in your Culture's version of Learning(because you can't manage external heresies lacking a proper ideological basis) and achieve societal stability, any time you meet a 'deluded' person not sworn to your culture's identity, you want to salvage their- or rather their cultural- metaphysical immortality! And so you keep telling them that your Cultural basis is real and theirs isn't. But no matter what you do, they won't believe you, because they are possessed by the Capitalist or the Communist or the Barbarian.

And so, you never change, and continue to be an orthodox, faithful pillar of your community throughout your life.

See how everything up till now makes sense? How toppling a single domino causes the whole line to fall over. That is why children should be taught about Religion- or their culture's myths- until they are old enough to understand logic and see the reason themselves.

LOL! Never had so much fun answering a Quora question before.

Credits to Pragy Agarwal's answer

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Rohit Patnaik
Steven WallingAdam MordecaiMarc Bodnick

Guys, I sincerely hope this is a joke. 

First- 'Attribution' only comes into the picture when there's Plagiarism. I haven't plagiarized a Word. The only thing taken is the writing style- & you can't put a copy right on that. This is just harassment.

Second- Anudeep Ravi advised me to put in an accredition- which I did at 8:10 IST. Then I get a message at 8:55 IST accusing me of plagiarism.

Now, I do hope Quora isn't still using 56kbps Servers but even in that case, I cry foul. Restore my answer.

This answer should explicitly attribute and provide a link to the source of any content that was originally posted on other sources. 

Which I have done.

Lengthy quotations from other sources must be placed in blockquotes.

I haven't used a single quotation. Every single line has been changed.

 Answers that are collapsed for this reason will not be uncollapsed, even if subsequently edited. 

Good point- but my last edits- including the credits- were nearly an hour before you guys collapsed this!

Writers must attribute sources and use blockquotes, even if an answer makes some changes/edits to the original material.

Makes no sense as I have already mentioned Pragy Agarwal's answer before anyone flagged this.

This post first appeared on Quora, and was collapsed under the attribution policy

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Trilochana Rout's answer to Why isn't Putin fighting ISIS?

Trilochana RoutTrilochana Rout
568 upvotes on Quora. None needed here.

Putin is fighting ISIS. Putin has done far more to defeat ISIS than any single person alive now.

Putin is an Asian & like all Asians, he knows what Islamists are capable in a way no Westerner will ever understand. That's why he will protect American troops even though NATO points missiles at Moscow. That's why he will block Islamist accounts even though America fund neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Putin is a hero for all modern civilizations- Slavic, Western, Indian, Chinese, Iranian- but no Western media/ propaganda cell will ever admit it in public.

1- Assad. Putin stopped the Americans & their NATO lackeys from bombing Syria. you know who the real heroes of the anti-ISIS wars have been? Not Iraq, not the Kurds (though they've been awesome)- & certainly not America. It's this guy:-

But Trilochana, you say, what about Human Rights?

To this, Papa Tikip says- what Human Rights? The sort that poor sucker whats-his-name-getting-1000-lashes has? Or the sort Chelsea Manning has? Assad runs a secular, women-friendly regime in the shithole of the World. He fights against Sunni extremists like the ones you have in Saudi Arabia. If he has to bomb a few schools every few years, that's actually pretty good by Middle-Eastern standards. He gets my vote.

He's also Putin's pal and Putin saved his arse from American F-16s so that he (Assad) can continue kicking arse against i) Syrian Sunni extremists ii) Turkish Sunni extremists iii) Saudi Sunni extremists iv) ISIS etc etc.

2- Intelligence. Putin supplies practically all the intelligence to anti-ISIS factions. You think it's the NATO that tells Assad's Bombers where to drop their loads? Do you seriously think it's the British who tell the Kurds where the ISIS supply depots are? You think Space belongs to the West?

3- Kadyrov. Putin's attack dog in Muslim Russia.

Know why ISIS became so powerful so suddenly? Arabs are useless as soldiers- have been for more than 1000 years. The secret behind ISIS' success is their central core of Chechen fighters- battle-hardened by decades of warfare against the Russians- the best infantry of the Modern Age. Well here's why there are no more Chechens travelling to Iraq any more- Kadyrov. 

Kadyrov happens to be Chechen. He also happens to be a real Asian- not one of those Western wannabe with their dreams of 'freedom' & 'rights'.

Real Asians don't want 'freedom' & 'rights'; they want stability & peace. 'Freedom' leads to Taliban in Kabul & ISIS in Mosul. Stability leads to peace in Chechenya after a bloody sectarian war lasting 30 years. 

So, rest easy, Western public. Remember that no matter how many dollars your leaders throw at Islamists.

No matter how many weapons your leaders give to the Islamists.

No matter how many times you attack us or bombard our nations.

We Asians will never cease our unfailing vigil at the Middle East. We will defend your rights, your freedoms, your 'democracy' at the cost of our own. By our blood, will your lands be kept safe!

For Truth, Justice and the Ame- ASIAN way!

For the Brotherhood of all Asians- Aryan, White, Eastern, Arab- & the re-establishment of an Asian World Order! 

As it was, so it shall be once more!

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Anudeep Ravi's answer to Are today's young Indians accepting the Talibanization of Hinduism (Hindutva)?

Anudeep RaviAnudeep RaviIndian. No more needs to be said
95 upvotes on Quora. None needed here.

To compare Taliban with RSS is extremely Ridiculous. They may be a bit Fundamentalist, But no where are they Gonna strap bombs to themselves and Kill people.

They are Fundamentalists. Obviously you are going to Notice them more than More Moderate People. They are Pretty tame compared to Right wing Movements in Europe like in UK and Germany, Not even taking the extreme right wings like in Ukraine into Account. 

Using the Words Hindutva and Taliban in the same sentence is Just a an extreme exaggeration, and is diverting attention from real problems.

Updated 5 May. 2,656 views.
This answer may need improvement.
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This post first appeared on Quora, and was collapsed under the "Be Nice Be Respectful" policy

Dhruv Rishi Dev's answer to Would you support BJP with Kiran Bedi as it's head or AAP considering both AK and Bedi fight for anti corruption?

Dhruv Rishi DevDhruv Rishi DevTrivia driven
upvotes on Quora. None needed here.

Disclaimer: My answer is for a general scenario and not specifically for Delhi. 

No doubt the BJP. (Please read further, and don't just downvote this.)

We have to understand that without experience nobody can succeed, and national parties definitely cannot. If your company is looking for a new CEO, would you hire someone who has had 30 years of experience in that field and understands the core business and competitors or some college graduate with excellent curricular and a promise that he will do well?

Ayush in his answer below suggested that BJPs efficiency is still to be tested but somehow AAP's 49 day exit still makes them worthy of the efficient tag. BJP in its Government of 1999 came up with a lot of brilliant ideas. It was one of the better Governments our nation has had. 

BJP has been in the political scene for more than 30 years. The party has well established foreign policy, economic policy and skillful leaders who can execute these policies. The party has people like Arun Shourie who have a world of experience in understanding International Economics. The only issue AAP has highlighted is a corrupt free India. They haven't talked about development or anything else. Frankly, for all I know, Arvind Kejriwal might be an anti development lunatic.  

AAP has been in the political fray for just a split second and they already want to run our country, and if not that a state like Delhi. It is okay to be ambitious but to be arrogant just because you think that the world is bad and you are good is pitiful. 

Most of the AAP supporters I have tried to debate with don't actually like to discuss the merits of the party they are supporting but just keep throwing one allegation after another against the BJP, something that their leader has also always propagated. When during a discussion I told one of them, that there has to be a reason that a credible face like Kiran Bedi is also not supporting them, his reply was that "going by her last few tweets she is not credible". Kiran Bedi is not credible. Really? Someone who has given her life for public service is not credible because she didn't tweet as well as she should have. Burn all logic when discussing anything with them. I hope that AAP works at the grass root level, if not for 30 years then for 10 years, but I hope it first takes times and effort to understand the needs of the people. I wouldn't mind voting for AAP 10 years down the line after they have spent time in the opposition and actually done some work for the country. I am sure we don't want a PM who goes to dharna every time he cannot take a decision, or even worse ask 1.3 billion on how he should tackle Pakistan. 

BJP might have a few corrupt leaders, I agree and I hope that the strictest of action is taken against them by the COURTS of India, but do we really know what kind of leaders have joined AAP? We barely know 15-20 of the candidates that stood in the Lok Sabha election. So it is possible that some of them are just frauds who want a free seat with the AAP brand name. Arvind Kejriwal has done so much drama that it will be really difficult to accept him as a serious candidate for any post. His 'above the law attitude', (see: not paying bail bonds), to be honest, is appalling. With Arvind Kejriwal, it is always a battle of ego. If he really wanted to influence the decision making in the parliament, he should have chosen a seat he could have won and tried to work towards fighting corruption with some power in hand but maybe that is too mainstream for the political movie he is making. 

I hope the AAP actually does some meaningful work and not get lost in the drama of it all. And till the time they are giving tickets to Gul Panags and Javed Jaffrey to gain a few Lok Sabha seats, I am not sure they are any better than any single party. 

Last of all, BJPs campaign was very positive while AAPs campaign has been one of "yeh ganda hai, yeh ganda hai, hum achhe hai". Don't we all want a little positivity after the last 3-4 years of governance we have had?

(Apology if I strayed off topic a few times while answering this question)

Written 22 May, 2014. 199 views.
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