Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Trilochana Rout's answer to Why isn't Putin fighting ISIS?

Trilochana RoutTrilochana Rout
568 upvotes on Quora. None needed here.

Putin is fighting ISIS. Putin has done far more to defeat ISIS than any single person alive now.

Putin is an Asian & like all Asians, he knows what Islamists are capable in a way no Westerner will ever understand. That's why he will protect American troops even though NATO points missiles at Moscow. That's why he will block Islamist accounts even though America fund neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Putin is a hero for all modern civilizations- Slavic, Western, Indian, Chinese, Iranian- but no Western media/ propaganda cell will ever admit it in public.

1- Assad. Putin stopped the Americans & their NATO lackeys from bombing Syria. you know who the real heroes of the anti-ISIS wars have been? Not Iraq, not the Kurds (though they've been awesome)- & certainly not America. It's this guy:-

But Trilochana, you say, what about Human Rights?

To this, Papa Tikip says- what Human Rights? The sort that poor sucker whats-his-name-getting-1000-lashes has? Or the sort Chelsea Manning has? Assad runs a secular, women-friendly regime in the shithole of the World. He fights against Sunni extremists like the ones you have in Saudi Arabia. If he has to bomb a few schools every few years, that's actually pretty good by Middle-Eastern standards. He gets my vote.

He's also Putin's pal and Putin saved his arse from American F-16s so that he (Assad) can continue kicking arse against i) Syrian Sunni extremists ii) Turkish Sunni extremists iii) Saudi Sunni extremists iv) ISIS etc etc.

2- Intelligence. Putin supplies practically all the intelligence to anti-ISIS factions. You think it's the NATO that tells Assad's Bombers where to drop their loads? Do you seriously think it's the British who tell the Kurds where the ISIS supply depots are? You think Space belongs to the West?

3- Kadyrov. Putin's attack dog in Muslim Russia.

Know why ISIS became so powerful so suddenly? Arabs are useless as soldiers- have been for more than 1000 years. The secret behind ISIS' success is their central core of Chechen fighters- battle-hardened by decades of warfare against the Russians- the best infantry of the Modern Age. Well here's why there are no more Chechens travelling to Iraq any more- Kadyrov. 

Kadyrov happens to be Chechen. He also happens to be a real Asian- not one of those Western wannabe with their dreams of 'freedom' & 'rights'.

Real Asians don't want 'freedom' & 'rights'; they want stability & peace. 'Freedom' leads to Taliban in Kabul & ISIS in Mosul. Stability leads to peace in Chechenya after a bloody sectarian war lasting 30 years. 

So, rest easy, Western public. Remember that no matter how many dollars your leaders throw at Islamists.

No matter how many weapons your leaders give to the Islamists.

No matter how many times you attack us or bombard our nations.

We Asians will never cease our unfailing vigil at the Middle East. We will defend your rights, your freedoms, your 'democracy' at the cost of our own. By our blood, will your lands be kept safe!

For Truth, Justice and the Ame- ASIAN way!

For the Brotherhood of all Asians- Aryan, White, Eastern, Arab- & the re-establishment of an Asian World Order! 

As it was, so it shall be once more!

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This post first appeared on Quora, and was collapsed under the image policy


  1. I read a few of your answers on Quora. I agreed with some disagreed on some and simply threw my hands up in despair at the rest. I guess you are writing for an audience that lie above an intelligence threshold and this means that people like me have to re-read stuff until we are enlightened or confused.
    PS: I think your writing style is amazing. May be you could author a few books.
